Bruce Wick works with CABIA to educate California businesses on current issues and their potential cost. He is risk management director for CALPASC. With over 25 years of risk management and insurance experience, Bruce is an industry leader and educator on issues critical to the construction industry. His expertise in the areas of workers’ compensation, Cal/OSHA, construction defect, general liability and workplace safety make him a frequently sought presenter throughout California. Mr. Wick is a regular contributor of articles to various publications and trade journals on construction-related issues. Since 2010 Bruce has also been CALPASC’s point person for helping members file claims with enforcement agencies as part of the LEVEL program.

Bruce is also a public member (employer representative) of the WCIRB Governing Committee. The Governing Committee sets policy and oversees the management of the affairs of the WCIRB. The Governing Committee is comprised of twelve members: seven private insurers; State Compensation Insurance Fund; and four public members – two representing insured employers and two representing organized labor. Except for State Compensation Insurance Fund, insurer members are elected for three-year terms by the membership at the Annual Meeting, while public members are appointed for two-year terms by the Insurance Commissioner. By statute, State Compensation Insurance Fund is a permanent member of the Governing Committee. The Insurance Commissioner, or his designated representative, is entitled to attend all meetings of the Governing Committee. Generally, the committee meets once per quarter, but may meet more frequently if necessary.