Advocacy is important, but it takes time. At CABIA, we know our members need help today. That’s why we have programs that can assist with wage and hour audits, workplace policies, arbitration agreements, training videos, and so much more.

Complying with CA Labor Code

California has some of the most stringent and complex employment laws in the nation, more than 1,100 pages worth, as they are just too numerous, too complicated and too often changing. As such, even well-intentioned employers can easily find themselves running afoul of California’s rules and regulations, oftentimes at a significant cost. In addition to California’s expansive statewide employment laws, employers must also stay up-to-date on a quickly growing body of local employment regulations.

Dealing with PAGA Notices

If you get a PAGA Notice, call CABIA. New reforms mean you need to act fast. If an employer can show they took “all reasonable steps”(We should have a hyperlink to reasonable steps) to comply with the law within 60 days after receiving a PAGA notice, PAGA penalties are capped at 30%.

Small Employers (< 100 Employees) Have 33 Days to Cure From the Date of the PAGA Notice.

Large Employers (> 100 Employees) May Request an ‘Early Evaluation Conference’ and a Mandatory Stay of the Court Case.

Get Hands on Help

CABIA HR is focused on providing audit and compliance services to small and medium-sized businesses at affordable prices. We also have launched a new APP to assist with all HR needs from A-Z in an easy to use digital format.

Helpful Links

Get links to additional helpful resources for compliance and PAGA issues.