7 PAGA Claims

Plantiff Employer Submission Date
Pierre Leroy Vigilant Solutions, Inc.; et al. c/o Holland Johns & Penny LLP 01/29/2014
Darol Smith Shorenstein Hays-Nederlander Theatres, LLC 08/22/2016
Sarah Cox Doctor on Demand 06/07/2018
Yassin Olabi Neutron Holdings, Inc. dba Limebike aka Lime 09/10/2018
Jose Hernandez-Gomez The Geo Group, Inc. 10/28/2022
Jose Ruben Hernandez Gomez, et. al The GEO Group, Inc. 07/13/2022
Kirk Crippens Menus and Music Productions, Inc. 06/01/2022

Top Filers

Filer Number of Filings
Rosen Bien Galvan & Grunfeld LLP 2
Jessica Winter 2
Jenny Yelin 1
Gay Grunfeld 1
Cara Trapani 1