Today, the California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA) ran a full-page ad in USA Today calling out Governor “Gavin Grinch” Newsom for his disastrous $20 minimum wage law that has left thousands out of work ahead of the holiday season. 

The ad cites an analysis of labor statistics from the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) and features Governor Newsom dressed as the Grinch, holding a large toy bag embossed with the phrase “6,100 Lost Fast Food Jobs.”

The ad features a Dr. Seuss-style poem titled “You’re a mean one, Gavin Grinch” that says:

“The numbers don’t lie, they tell a dark tale. 

Gavin’s $20 wage has killed jobs by the pale.

He’s tried to hide the evidence with a great Grinchy trick,

but the state’s laid-off workers are feeling quite sick.”

See the full ad here.

Tom Manzo, President and Founder of CABIA, released the following statement on the ad:

“Gavin Grinch’s $20 wage hike has stolen jobs from thousands of workers across the state. In the season of giving, it’s time for our governor to give workers a break and own up to his failed policy. We need a leader who listens to the needs of hardworking Californians over unrealistic union-backed policies.”