• CABIA on FoxNews discussing Newsom’s Wage Attack on small business

    CABIA on FoxNews discussing Newsom’s Wage Attack on small business

    They cherry-pick their data to make the wage hikes appear harmless on paper… BUT small business owners are living the nightmare! Government price-fixing and wage-fixing are brutalizing California’s small & mid-sized businesses. We won’t take the blame for Sacramento’s brain fog.

  • ‘GAVIN GRINCH’ USA Today Ad Calls Out Governor’s Bad Wage Policy

    ‘GAVIN GRINCH’ USA Today Ad Calls Out Governor’s Bad Wage Policy

    Today, the California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA) ran a full-page ad in USA Today calling out Governor “Gavin Grinch” Newsom for his disastrous $20 minimum wage law that has left thousands out of work ahead of the holiday season.  The ad cites an analysis of labor statistics from the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) and features Governor Newsom dressed as the…

  • FULL-PAGE AD: Gavin’s Gas Prices Are About to Sky Rocket

    FULL-PAGE AD: Gavin’s Gas Prices Are About to Sky Rocket

    Today, the California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA) ran a full-page ad in USA Today criticizing the latest misguided initiative from Governor Newsom’s Air Resources Board that will raise gas prices by as much as 65 cents per gallon next year. The ad is a mock advertisement for “Gavin’s Gas Station,” where prices per gallon are…