• CABIA on FoxNews discussing Newsom’s Wage Attack on small business

    CABIA on FoxNews discussing Newsom’s Wage Attack on small business

    They cherry-pick their data to make the wage hikes appear harmless on paper… BUT small business owners are living the nightmare! Government price-fixing and wage-fixing are brutalizing California’s small & mid-sized businesses. We won’t take the blame for Sacramento’s brain fog.

  • Orange County Register: Why California businesses are worse off because of PAGA

    Orange County Register: Why California businesses are worse off because of PAGA

    In civilized societies, the idea of vigilante justice is frowned upon because those carrying out “justice” lack oversight from both voters and elected officials. That’s why most states avoid such policies. But in California, the task of maintaining justice under our 1000-page labor code has been assigned to private trial lawyers who care more about…

  • State Data: There’s No “Wage Theft” Crisis in Fast Food

    State Data: There’s No “Wage Theft” Crisis in Fast Food

    California’s 1,000+ page labor code grows annually responsive to alleged crises that the legislature seeks to fix. In the rear view mirror, these “solutions” are often worse than the problem; witness the explosion in lawsuits for labor code violations as minor as paystub typos or seating choices. The latest crisis: The alleged proliferation of “wage…

  • CABIA Warns SB 4199 Could Hurt California’s “Mom and Pop Shops”

    The measure, introduced by state Sen. Connie Leyva, D-Chino, has already cleared the Senate. But as they prepare to seek passage by the California Assembly, they’ve had to overcome intense lobbying efforts and misinformation. “You have big industry. Candidly, this is just part of how they do business,” Leyva said. “They don’t care, they have…