CABIA on FoxNews discussing Newsom’s Wage Attack on small business
They cherry-pick their data to make the wage hikes appear harmless on paper… BUT small business owners are living the nightmare! Government price-fixing and wage-fixing are brutalizing California’s small & mid-sized businesses. We won’t take the blame for Sacramento’s brain fog.
USA TODAY AD: Newsom Called Out for Thousands of Lost Jobs
Today, CABIA ran a full-page ad in USA Today calling out Governor Gavin Newsom for the job losses that have resulted from the state’s fast-food minimum wage hike. The ad shows that fast food jobs have dropped from 742,277 in January of 2024 to 736,861 in August 2024, citing an analysis from the Employment Policies Institute. The ad notes that while…
Times of San Diego: The Cost of Over Regulation Leaves Little Room For Heat Protection
The Governor’s office recently fast-tracked new heat regulations from California’s Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board. Compliance will be costly for businesses — both big and small — but the end goal is noble. Unfortunately, few businesses will be able to afford it. Golden State employers are already crushed financially thanks to the state’s over…
OC REGISTER: California labor takes a rare “L” in 2024
California labor unions are finally facing the consequences of their misguided actions. This year alone, several major policy pushes from unions across the state have backfired spectacularly. Now, employees are getting wise and kicking unions out. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) – one of the state’ most influential unions – recently fought to pass…