Current PAGA Reform

The PAGA reform (AB 2288 and SB 92) was a result of an agreement approved by Governor Newsom that removed the vote on the repeal of PAGA from the November ballot in exchange for the reform.

PAGA Impact Study

A newly updated study authored by the former California Department of Industrial Relations Director, Christine Baker and former Cal/OSHA Chief, Len Welsh finds that California’s Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) — a California law that privatized justice by allowing employees to file suit against their employer for any minor or accidental infraction of California’s labor code — has failed employees, employers, and the State.

PAGA Impact Map

CABIA maintains a map that visualizes the reach of PAGA, from San Diego County at the state’s southernmost border to Del Norte County in the north. It also displays which lawyers are profiting the most from PAGA in each county.

PAGA Lawsuit Tracker

The growth in PAGA notices has been astronomical. In 2016, more than 5,000 PAGA complaints were filed — an astonishing 1,440 percent increase from the law’s first year in effect. CABIA attempts to make case data easy for the public to browse and review.