CABIA has documented the extent of PAGA abuse in the state of California, developing a Hall of Shame where the worst PAGA attorneys are available for review. While some counties are hit harder than others due to business concentration, PAGA is ultimately a statewide scourge–harming employers and employees in all regions of California. The map below visualizes the reach of PAGA, from San Diego County at the state’s southernmost border to Del Norte County in the north. It also displays which lawyers are profiting the most from PAGA in each county.

Number of Cases Map Color
1,000+ cases
151 – 1,000 cases
101 – 150 cases
51 – 100 cases
11 – 51 cases
1 – 10 cases

No County Selected

Available county case data will appear after you select a county.

Methodology: The California Department of Industrial Relations maintains an online database on PAGA notices filed. Many of these filings contain a zip code for the targeted employer however, these zip codes are not presently available for download. We filed a public records request with the DIR, and obtained its entire database of PAGA notices from 2004 to 2020 with employer zip codes appended. These zip codes were available for approximately two-thirds of PAGA notices. Limitations in the map, including small sample sizes for some counties, are reflective of limitations in the data.